Where can I buy or enjoy Lucas Roasting Coffee?

      All Locations

      Lucas Roasting Coffee is sold and brewed at the following locations.

      Specialty Stores

      Restaurants and Coffee Shops

      Bed and Breakfasts / Lodging

      Institutional Service

      Food Trucks


      Office Settings

      From Fortune 500 and 500+ employees to small companies who just wish to serve their clients and staff better coffee, we can handle it all. And don’t forget to ask us about helping you to extend a winning image for your company by private-labeling some of our products for your marketing campaigns!

      Or Order Online

      Please Contact Us today to see how Lucas Roasting Company can turn your next coffee experience into something incredible!

      Want to sell Lucas Coffee at your business?

      Please get in touch, we would love to talk to you! We’ll gladly ship nationwide for your needs.

      Commercial Supplies / Equipment

      Toddy. Cold Brewed. Simply Better
      Nuova-Simonelli espresso coffee machine
      Bunn Quality Berverage Equipment Worldwide